AeNN would be a deep-learning API that sits on top of Aesara. It is inspired by Keras (which used to be built on top of Theano), Flax (NN library built with JAX), and of course Lasagne. It would make full use of Aesara's graph and rewrite capabilities.


A minimum viable library could be to be able to reproduce Keras' documentation examples. For instance the MNIST convnet:

model = keras.Sequential(
        layers.Conv2D(32, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation="relu"),
        layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)),
        layers.Conv2D(64, kernel_size=(3, 3), activation="relu"),
        layers.MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2)),
        layers.Dense(num_classes, activation="softmax"),

I find Keras' API to be sometimes too high-level. In particular, I am not a big fan of the activation being a property of layers, and passed as a keyword argument. Activation functions are just functions, and we should allow users to use custom operators. Flax's API is more on point with that respect. I also like the flax.linen.Module interface to define blocks a lot:

import flax.linen as nn

class CNN(nn.Module):
  def __call__(self, x):
    x = nn.Conv(features=32, kernel_size=(3, 3))(x)
    x = nn.relu(x)
    x = nn.avg_pool(x, window_shape=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2))
    x = nn.Conv(features=64, kernel_size=(3, 3))(x)
    x = nn.relu(x)
    x = nn.avg_pool(x, window_shape=(2, 2), strides=(2, 2))
    x = x.reshape((x.shape[0], -1))  # flatten
    x = nn.Dense(features=256)(x)
    x = nn.relu(x)
    x = nn.Dense(features=10)(x)
    x = nn.log_softmax(x)
    return x

model = CNN()
batch = jnp.ones((32, 10))
variables = model.init(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), batch)
output = model.apply(variables, batch)

Building a simple MLP model

Let's take and try to reproduce a simpler example, the MLP example taken from the Flax documentation:

from typing import Sequence
import flax.linen as nn

class MLP(nn.Module):
    features: Sequence[int]
    def __call__(self, x):
        for feature in features[:-1]:
            x = nn.Dense(feature)(x)
            x = nn.relu(x)
        x = nn.Dense(features[-1])(x)
        return x

Activation Function

The first approach to implementing the activation function \(\operatorname{Relu}\) is to define it as a function:

import aesara.tensor as at

def relu(x):
    """Rectified linear unit activation function.

    .. math::

        \operatorname{relu}(x) = \max(0, x)

    return at.max(0, x)

However, we need the gradient at \(0\) to be:

\[ \nabla \operatorname{Relu}(0) = 0 \]

So relu will need to be implemented as an OpFromGraph, with a custom gradient. The upside of using OpFromGraph in this case is that the Op\s it builds are directly identifiable in the graph.

Dense layer

Layers are best implemented as =OpFromGraph=s for several reasons:

  1. We can target layers with rewrites; This can be useful for AutoML, or optimization at the mathematical level.
  2. We can retrieve the layer's parameters by walking the graph and looking at the inputs of Apply nodes whose Op is of Layer type. We can even add type parameters to indicate which are trainable, regularizable, etc.
  3. aesara.dprint shows the graph structure directly.
from typing import Optional

import aesara
import aesara.tensor as at
from aesara.tensor.var import TensorVariable
from import OpFromGraph

class Layer(OpFromGraph):
    """Represents a Layer.

    The difference between layers and transformations is that the former
    hold (potentially trainable) parameter values.

class DenseLayer(Layer):
    """`Op` that represents a Dense Layer"""

class Dense():

    def __init__(self, features: int, W: Optional[TensorVariable], b: Optional[TensorVariable]):
        self.features = features
        self.W = W
        self.b = b

    def __call__(self, x):
        output =, self.W) + self.b
        dense = DenseLayer([x, self.W, self.b], [output])
        return dense(x, self.W, self.b)

x = at.matrix("X")
W = at.vector("W")
b = at.scalar("b")

out = Dense(x.shape[1], W, b)(x)

# DenseLayer{inline=False} [id A]
#  |X [id B]
#  |W [id C]
#  |b [id D]
# DenseLayer{inline=False} [id A]
#  >Elemwise{add,no_inplace} [id E]
#  > |dot [id F]
#  > | |*0-<TensorType(float64, (None, None))> [id G]
#  > | |*1-<TensorType(float64, (None,))> [id H]
#  > |InplaceDimShuffle{x} [id I]
#  >   |*2-<TensorType(float64, ())> [id J]

assert isinstance(out.owner.op, Layer)
# [X, W, b]

Representing layers as Ops has several advantages:

  1. More readable aesara.dprint outputs;
  2. Parameters can be directly recovered by walking the graphs;
  3. Layers can be targetted by rewrites, which opens possibilities for optimizations and also AutoML (we can replace layers);
  4. We can have layer-specific rules for transpilation. XLA has convolution-specific Ops.

Management of parameters

Neural network libraries typically initialize the parameters for the users, and they provide them with a way to access their values.


import aesara.tensor as at
from lasagne.layers import InputLayer, DenseLayer, get_all_params, get_output
from lasagne.updates import nesterov_momentum
from lasagme.objectives import categorical_crossentropy

x = at.matrix('x')
y = at.matrix('y')

l_in = InputLayer((100, 20), x)
l1 = DenseLayer(l_in, num_units=50)
l2 = DenseLayer(l1, num_units=30)

# compue loss
prediction = get_output(l2)
loss = categorical_crossentropy(prediction, y)

# get parameter updates
all_params = get_all_params(l2)
assert all_params ==[l1.W, l1.b, l2.W, l2.b]

updates = nesterov_momentum(loss, params, learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.9)


from typing import Sequence

import numpy as np
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
import flax.linen as nn

class MLP(nn.Module):
  features: Sequence[int]

  def __call__(self, x):
    for feat in self.features[:-1]:
      x = nn.relu(nn.Dense(feat)(x))
    x = nn.Dense(self.features[-1])(x)
    return x

model = MLP([12, 8, 4])
batch = jnp.ones((32, 10))

# Get the parameter values
variables = model.init(jax.random.PRNGKey(0), batch)

# Get model prediction
output = model.apply(variables, batch)


Equinox uses the model(x) and equinox.update(model, updates) pattern (where updates are gradient updates) to avoid having to deal with parameters explicitly

linear = equinox.nn.Linear(in_features, out_features)


A few notes:

  • Only the number of units need be specified
  • In some situations (BNN) we'd like to specify the units themselves
import aenn as nn

# multiple dispatch
x = nn.Dense(50)(x)
x = nn.Dense(W, b)(x)

# Lasagne currently does this
x = nn.Dense(50, W, b)(x)
import flax.linen as nn

x = nn.Dense(50, bias=False)
class Dense():

    __init__ = MethodDispatcher('f')

    def _init_units(units: int):
        self.units = units
        self.W = None
        self.b = None

    def _init_W(W = None, b=None):
        self.W = W
        self.b = b

    def __call__(self, x):
        num_inputs = x.shape[0]

        output =, self.W) + self.b
        dense = DenseLayer([x, self.W, self.b], [output])
        return dense(x, self.W, self.b)

TODO Module

How do we define a module in a similar way we defined MLP above with Flax? Is there anything special about modules compared to normal layers? Should we attribute a specific Module type to them, as opposed to Layer? If we consider they're merely a way to define a new layer they should be implemented as OpFromGraph as well. In this case we should have a general way to define layers so the code looks like:

TODO Bayesian Neural Network

PPLs typically require you to define probabilistic layers, but this approach is not general as you cannot define an arbitrary prior structure on the weights. With Aesara/AeNN/AePPL it is fairly simple; you just initialize the weights as random variables:

srng = at.random.RandomStream(0)

num_units = at.scalar("N")
X = at.matrix("X")
W = srng.normal(0, 1, size=(X.shape[1], num_units))
b = at.scalar("b")

out = Dense(x.shape[1], W, b)(x)

# DenseLayer{inline=False} [id A]
#  |X [id B]
#  |normal_rv{0, (0, 0), floatX, False}.1 [id C]
#  | |RandomGeneratorSharedVariable(<Generator(PCG64) at 0x7FE904AED660>) [id D]
#  | |SpecifyShape [id E]
#  | | |Elemwise{Cast{int64}} [id F]
#  | | | |MakeVector{dtype='float64'} [id G]
#  | | |   |Elemwise{Cast{float64}} [id H]
#  | | |   | |Subtensor{int64} [id I]
#  | | |   |   |Shape [id J]
#  | | |   |   | |X [id K]
#  | | |   |   |ScalarConstant{1} [id L]
#  | | |   |N [id M]
#  | | |TensorConstant{2} [id N]
#  | |TensorConstant{11} [id O]
#  | |TensorConstant{0} [id P]
#  | |TensorConstant{1} [id Q]
#  |b [id R]
#  |RandomGeneratorSharedVariable(<Generator(PCG64) at 0x7FE904AED660>) [id D]

One interesting thing to note is that since the operations performed inside layers are deterministic, AePPL won't need to see "inside" the layer Ops to compute the models' log-density.

Q: What if I want to initialize some weights randomly but not consider them as random variables? A: Don't pass them to AePPL's joint_logprob!


We need to be able to call the model with model(batch, parameters), then compute the loss, then update the parameter values using an optimizer.

class MLP(nn.Module):
    features: Sequence[int]

    def __call__(self, x):
        """This returns a layer as an `Op` named `MLP`.
        for feature in features[:-1]:
            x = nn.Dense(feature)(x)
            x = nn.relu(x)
        x = nn.Dense(features[-1])(x)
        return x

Graph rewriting

We can perform rewriting at the layer semantic level, for two reasons:

  1. AutoML: We can swap activation functions, layer sizes, etc.
  2. Performance: For instance, the TENSAT library adds equality saturation to the TASO library. There are a list of rewrites that operate on a so-called layer algebra. Here are a few examples:

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